Sunday, August 9, 2009

One of those odd side projects…

Sometimes I get bored and start digging through my rather extensive
list of bookmarks that I have saved over the years and clean out
the dead ones and explore places I had forgotten about. One such
link was to a free host I was playing with a couple of years ago
while trying to redo the old Steamroom.

As I was looking over their list of features I saw that their auto-
installer had quite a nice selection of content management systems
like a newer version XOOPS and PHPNuke. So I figured, why not?

Their auto-installer only allows three uses a day but… lol

So far I have the following installed and am playing with them
as I have time to spare…


Ok, this one is a little superfluous but as it is one of the
newer versions of XOOPS it let me see how well my modules work
on the more current versions. All of them work perfectly BTW. :D


Some of you might remember our old friend Angel from Angel’s
Grimoire. The last version of The Grimoire was based on this.
I figured I might take a look at it’s innards and see how it
worked. (Euuuww… website guts!)


A lot of sites use this and looking at it so far, I am pretty
impressed by this version. It’s a lot more comprehensive than
the version I looked at when I was trying to pick a CMS before
we changed hosts.


Another one that impressed me with it’s newer release. The admin
panel is a lot more user friendly for a newbie to Drupal now.


This one I can’t say much about yet, as I only just installed it
an hour or so ago…


The funny thing is that Postnuke has been discontinued by it’s
developer. Whether or not anyone picks it up is unknown.

And don’t ask me why the links have extra backslashes, that’s just
how the installer set them up. :neener:

As I have fifty (yes 50!) MySQL databases from the free host
to play with I may see about using all of them up just for laughs.

On a more serious note, I have been thinking about getting a copy
of Legend of The Green Dragon to install there as well as a kind of
precursor to installing it here, if it will work on this server
that is, I read at the LoTGD site that it wouldn’t work on GoDaddy
servers for some reason or another. :dunno: So, I might just say
“Aww, f*ck it!” and open another free account just for that if it
doesn’t turn out to be some complicated pain in the as to install
and set up.

I noticed that they also offer a free “reseller hosting” package.
I am considering the idea of getting one and offering free hosting
for websites.




Cuz, it’d be like, cool and stuff… ? :chuckle:

Mind you, I do tend to have more ideas than a centipede has legs
most of the time. :rofl:

Can you tell I am feeling better? :lmao:

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