Sunday, March 15, 2009


I expect people to lie to me as a general thing. We’re lied to
as soon as we are able to understand the spoken word. We’re lied
to by almost everyone; parents, friends, teachers ,authorities,
our governments. Some lies are meant to protect us from painful
truths that we would not want to look at and have to deal with.
Some are meant to pull the wool over our eyes so someone can
cover their butts for having done something. Some are purely
malicious in nature to control and manipulate us. And some are
just for the Hell of it.

I don’t mind being lied to too much. It’s being lied about that
tends to piss me off. I’ve had it happen just often enough to
have ended a few previous friendships over it. I didn’t particularly
enjoy having to do so but I won’t have someone call me friend
only to stab me in the back.

The thing that always makes me wonder is why some people lie for
no apparent reason. Most of the time when someone tells a lie they
have a “good” reason to lie. They don’t want to be blamed for
something they didn’t do. They don’t want to be punished for
something they did do. Or they are looking to get you to do
something that the truth would never pursued you to do of your
own free will. So why make things up for no reason?

What’s my point?

Do I really need one?

Beside, I haven’t felt up to writing too much lately and thought
it was time to throw something out there. lol

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