Sunday, August 3, 2008

How to correctly use a doorbell.

I have noticed that all too many people seem utterly clueless
when it comes to how to use a doorbell in a proper and civil
manner, having had my sleep disturbed by more than one
inconsiderate person randomly banging on the button like a
three year old banging pots in the kitchen…

As a general rule most people tend to get a little annoyed when
their doorbell rings repeatedly during the ten to twenty seconds
it may take them to answer the door. Yes, it is supposed to get
our attention, No, we cannot magically appear at the door on the
first sounding of the chime. And no, pressing the button every 0.5
seconds will not make us open the damned door any faster!

Now, onto the proper civilized way to use the doorbell…

Depress the doorbell button once and them stand back and
count off thirty seconds to yourself. If no one responds after
thirty seconds you may repeat this process once. If after the
second thirty seconds has elapsed and no one has answered the
door, you may assume that: 1) No one is home. 2) Everyone is
asleep or otherwise indisposed*.

* If the sun has gone down and it is after 9:00 PM, it is generally
safe to say that the home’s occupants have retired for the evening
and it would be best to try again at a later date (preferably during
day time the next day).

For more sarcastic wit, watch this blog…

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