Sunday, September 28, 2008

Good liberals and good conservatives

In modern (US) politics there are three primary groups, Liberals,

Conservatives, and Pretenders. I’m not going to go into the various
political parties as there are many even though the media acts as
though there are only two, Democrats and Republicans.

Many people automatically associate liberal politics with the
Democrats and conservative politics with Republicans. In my
experience that isn’t entirely accurate. I’ve seen plenty of self
proclaimed Democrats that were and are very conservative in their
views and almost as many Republicans that were surprisingly liberal
in their outlook. Then there are the pretenders. They claim one
name or the other yet their actions tell the tale all too well about
where their loyalties lie. Their loyalties usually lie with themselves or
some special interest group who’s interests are usually at odds with
everyone else’s best interests.

As a general rule I detest politics and politicians. It always seems to
be the same song and dance year after year and election after election.
One candidate points an accusing finger at their opponent and the
other counter attacks by digging up more dirt on the other. This
cycle continues until we go to the polls and cast our votes. After the
election is won or lost we get a little peace and quiet for a while
before they start it over again.

I have been told be people on both sides that I am crazy because
my views don’t conform to either set of ideas. Maybe I am crazy for
seeing both sides as being in error in their thinking. However, I see
that there are good liberals and good conservatives and then there
are just idiots that wear the name without knowing what it means.

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