Monday, June 2, 2008

New and improved, My butt! (literally)

And now a break from the normally serious tone into the

realms of an Al Bundy-esque rant…

There is one thing that most people in the Western world
are familiar with and use daily, or nearly so. Toilet paper.

Yes, I said toilet paper.

A far cry from the Sears and Roebuck catalog of old and
far less rough than a corn cob of even older times.
(Unless you buy that cheap generic stuff.)

At any rate we had a pack sitting on the top shelf for a while
that kind of got pushed back every month as new TP was
bought to replace used TP. One month I noticed that they
came out with new packaging proclaiming “New and Improved!”
but I noticed a distinct difference once the new was set near the old.

Their improvements appeared to be a change of color on the
packaging and making the text bi-lingual, English and Spanish.
What, no French?!? The Canadians engaged in a TP boycott or
something?!? Did they decide that snow was a better substitute?!?

But(t) I digress…

The other improvements were to make the rolls smaller as
well as shorter. Ok, since when is less merchandise for the
same price an improvement? Oh, that’s right, the improvement
is their cash flow! I guess customer satisfaction got flushed
on this particular business decision.

Side by side for comparison
To the left the “New and Improved and the the right the Old and Unimproved version

And yes, I have the dimensions (as opposed to dementia)
of both the old and new.

Old and Unimproved packs Dimensions:
12 Rolls, 198 2-ply sheets per roll, 297 Sq Ft,
4.5 x 4.0 inches per sheet

New and Improved packs Dimensions:
12 Rolls, 176 2-ply sheets per roll, 250.5 Sq Ft,
4.27 x 4.0 inches per sheet

I could go on but… Aww, just flush it!

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